
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 1 - Starting Over

Okay, so I've not REALLY started over but I've had a few set backs over the last week (please pray for my 94 year old grandmother and her continued good health). 

So, Reader,  today is my new DAY 1. I received my new Slim in 6 videos and today I did the first session. I made it through and it was tough. BUT I'm so motivated. The video was actually fun, I feel like I might want to do it again later in the day. How awesome is that!!?? I also did 15 minutes on my elliptical machine and will do 20 minutes more later in the day. My hubby, who is working from home today, called me "Iron Woman" earlier so I know the change is making an impact on him. I wish he would do this with me but maybe when he sees (and he will see) the different me, he will adopt the program!!

So my goals for the rest of the week:

1. Just keep up the good work!! Keep doing the videos. Should focus on this on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

2. Do one yoga class this week - Thursday!!!

3. Be happy with the progress!!

These are two of the beautiful ladies I live for!! Baby C and G-Grandma M!

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