
Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 3 - Friday and Feeling It!!

So the kids are my excuse for not getting my booty out of bed at 4am to get on the treadmill which was one of the goals I wrote about yesterday. All three of them came into our room at least one time during the night complaining they could not that meant that Momma isn't going to sleep either.......

But, I have already completed my SI6 routine (by 8am) and feel stronger and stronger each day. The arm section still kills me but I think I got through most of it today without taking a break. I will say that is my favorite thing about the routine....even though we may be focusing on our midsection or legs, we are always moving our arms. So the hard work will be worth it. 

Goals for the weekend:
Saturday - SI6 and 30 min on Treadmill
Sunday - SI6, Lean and Limber and 30 min on Treadmill

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