
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Yeah, yeah, yeah....I've heard it all before....

Habits are really hard to break, especially bad habits. I've let "life" take over and I've lost control! We're just too busy. It's too hot hot outside. It's too cold outside. My knees hurt. My back hurts. I can come up with a million excuses.....but the affects of the bad habits I've created have leaked into every aspect of my life! It's not good!!!

So today, July 18, 2017, I'm getting on the road to "getting it back" AGAIN. And this time I'm serious. It's not just so I can run again or to look good on next summer's beach vacation (that is already booked). No, it's for my kids! I see the affects of my bad habits affecting my children and hubby and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Really what has to change is my commitment to treating my body like the temple God meant for it be treated. Not just about being more active and nutritious, but also nurturing a healthy mind! AND, most importantly, being a living example to my family and those around me. Showing my kids the right way to have balance in life so that our bodies are the healthiest they can be is most important to me in this new journey.

Recently, my baby girl came home pretty upset with herself. She hadn't done anything wrong, that I knew of. So I was curious as to why she was so mad at the world. This went on for a few days. She'd be happy one minute, then really angry....what was going on. She is only six years old....

Finally, through all of our crazy summer schedule, I got it out of her. One of her best friends had called her fat.

The conversation went like this:
Daughter - "Mom, I need to work on my tummy and legs."
Mom - "What are you talking about, Sweetie?"
Daughter - "My tummy and my legs are fat. I need to work on them."
Mom - "Oh, honey, everyone needs to work on their tummy, giggling, (trying not to cry). You are beautiful."
Mom - I continued, "Baby, we do not use that word 'fat' to describe ourselves. Do you understand?"
Daughter - "Yes, but my friend says it to me all the time."

My heart sank....I couldn't believe that another girl her age would say that to my sweet baby. The conversation went on for a bit and we decided right there that we would work on our tummies together!

So we are making time in our busy schedules for our bodies and our minds!

Let me just tell you, this little girl of mine is AMAZING!!!  And she is tough. She is going to be so successful and will probably change the world with her amazing beauty! Just watch!

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4